Stay Creating

015 - Program Director - Dan Gluckman: On interning at 28 and driving toward your passion.

Episode Summary

With a few years of writing for the news under his belt, Dan Gluckman had had enough. Walking away from a passionless profession and not knowing which path he wanted to take, an unsuspecting staple presented itself. Radio was always something he listened to (a lot) and loved, but never materialized as a career possibility, until reframing the idea of what ELSE it could be for him. Armed with a passion for the medium, and a few years of professional workplace experience, none of which were in radio, he started fresh and became an intern at 28.

Episode Notes

With a few years of writing for the news under his belt, Dan Gluckman had had enough. Walking away from a passionless profession and not knowing which path he wanted to take, an unsuspecting staple presented itself. Radio was always something he listened to (a lot) and loved, but never materialized as a career possibility, until reframing the idea of what ELSE it could be for him. Armed with a passion for the medium, and a few years of professional workplace experience, none of which were in radio, he started fresh and became an intern at 28.