Stay Creating

017 - Director - Kevin Osgood: On taking opportunities as they come, and changing perceptions when needed.

Episode Summary

Starting his career as a child actor on TV and commercials, Kevin Osgood’s journey to the other side of the camera was his real turning point. Jumping on the opportunities that presented themselves, Kevin built up his experience to grow his career as an in-house agency director, and then eventually, as a self-employed, world-traveling director. He has created content for brands including General Motors, Gillette, HP, Intel, Goldman Sachs, BMW, Windstream and American Express.

Episode Notes

Starting his career as a child actor on TV and commercials, Kevin Osgood’s journey to the other side of the camera was his real turning point. Jumping on the opportunities that presented themselves, Kevin built up his experience to grow his career as an in-house agency director, and then eventually, as a self-employed, world-traveling director. He has created content for brands including General Motors, Gillette, HP, Intel, Goldman Sachs, BMW, Windstream and American Express.