Stay Creating

018 - Senior Producer/Director - Abigail Butalid: On telling the right stories to the right people.

Episode Summary

Philippines-born Abigail Butalid had dreams of directing feature films and found her calling behind the camera, but not in the traditional sense. She’s spent the last 7 years writing, producing, and giving creative direction for clients at GroupX, one of Singapore's leading media and event production companies. While she loves the production side of her job, it’s the storytelling that drives her to produce truly great work.

Episode Notes

Philippines-born Abigail Butalid had dreams of directing feature films and found her calling behind the camera, but not in the traditional sense. She’s spent the last 7 years writing, producing, and giving creative direction for clients at GroupX, one of Singapore's leading media and event production companies. While she loves the production side of her job, it’s the storytelling that drives her to produce truly great work.

Check out Abie on Instagram! @a_b_i_e