Stay Creating

CAREER - Creative Director - Denise Blanco: On individual contributor vs. manager

Episode Summary

Denise Blanco started her career as an intern at McGraw-Hill, feeling fortunate to have landed a gig straight out of school. What she learned during the first three years into her career was, in terms of network and portfolio work, she was bound to the niche she started in. Looking to break out and broaden her capabilities, she's spent her career continuously learning, and up-leveling her skillset, which now involves people management.

Episode Notes

Denise Blanco started her career as an intern at McGraw-Hill, feeling fortunate to have landed a gig straight out of school. What she learned during the first three years into her career was, in terms of network and portfolio work, she was bound to the niche she started in. Looking to break out and broaden her capabilities, she's spent her career continuously learning, and up-leveling her skillset, which now involves people management.

You can find Denise on LinkedIn!